Inflammation Do’s and Don’ts

Skin inflammation can be caused by a variety of internal and external factors. From stress to the weather there are so many things in our daily lives that affect our skin. We have put together a list of Do’s and Don’ts when it comes to your skin being irritated.   



  1. Scratch or pick at the affected area: Scratching or picking at inflamed skin can damage the skin and worsen the inflammation, making the problem worse off. Instead try to consult a dermatologist about a breakout and make sure to stick with your existing skincare routine unless advised otherwise.  
  2. Use harsh soaps or detergents: Harsh soaps or detergents can strip the skin of its natural oils and exacerbate inflammation. The fragrance tends to clog pores and leavy a waxy residue behind. Instead, use gentle, fragrance-free cleansers to help avoid irritation. 
  3. Wear tight-fitting or synthetic clothing: Tight-fitting or synthetic clothing can irritate the skin and trap sweat, worsening inflammation if you are already having a flare up. Instead, choose loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabrics like cotton. 
  4. Apply hot water or heat: Hot water or heat can further irritate inflamed skin, causing it to become redder and itchier. Instead, you should stick to cool or lukewarm water when washing or bathing. 
  5. Use home remedies without consulting a doctor: While some home remedies can be effective for managing skin conditions, it's important to consult with a doctor before trying them, especially if you have sensitive skin. Some natural remedies can cause more harm than good, read more on debunking skin care trends here. 
  6. Delay seeking medical attention: If your skin inflammation is severe or worsening don't delay seeking medical attention. A doctor can help determine the underlying cause of your inflammation and prescribe the appropriate treatment or next best steps. 

What you should be doing instead... 


  1. Identify and avoid triggers: If you know what is causing your skin inflammation, try to avoid it. Common triggers include harsh soaps or detergents, certain fabrics, and certain foods (yes that includes your favourite candy bar). 
  2. Moisturise regularly: Use a moisturiser that is specifically formulated for sensitive or inflamed skin. This can help soothe and hydrate your skin, reducing inflammation. See why the Koéna Daily Moisturiser might be the best option for you. 
  3. Apply a cold compress: A cool, damp cloth or compress can help soothe inflamed skin and reduce redness. 


Adopting some of these good practices and avoiding some of the don’ts can help you see changes when a flare up occurs and help alleviate any discomfort you might have.

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